This document contains general information only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security or enter into any other transaction. Investors are urged to seek independent advice and to conduct their own due diligence processes regarding the legal, regulatory, tax or financial implications of any investment. These should include investigations regarding the suitability of the product to meet their Investment objectives, parameters and constraints, the investment rationale of the product, and the personnel and procedures employed by the Investment Manager to the Fund. They should also include assessment of the operational aspects of the Fund, and the relevant legal, regulatory, tax and similar framework. Investors are urged to review these findings on a regular and ongoing basis, as circumstances may change. The content must not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted without prior written consent. Past performance is not indicative of future performance or returns. The Investment Manager does not guarantee or make any representations or warranties that any performance or returns referred to in this document will be achieved by the Fund. Past performance is not indicative of the future performance of the Fund.